Welcome to Clubhouse #14,

our first digital Clubhouse Week residency where 15 artists, 1 graphic designer and 1 publisher and printer joined screens to accompany each other through the process of creating the yearly anthology Clubhouse.

In the summer of 2020 over the course of 8 weeks we came together in online group meetings and mentoring pairs to share ideas and our living rooms, give feedback and introduce new techniques in drawing, print-preparation and storytelling.
The result is a 188 page book that gives shape to new friendships and voice to new perspectives in comics and illustration that we are so proud and happy to share with you on the following pages!

Click on the index cards on the left to peek into each artist’s contribution and work process for the book. Some added extras for you 👀️ ! Discover readings, sketches, texts, animations...

Index card artworks by Maya Strobbe, typography and design by Tetyana Herych.

We understand CLUBHOUSE

as an exchange and strengthening of an international comics community, to support artists to work autonomously but on the same hand opening up to a discourse about one’s work.
What makes the process of working together in one space so special is that something as labour intensive as a book comes together very intuitively and cooperatively. It pushes each participant to explore new possibilities and ideas within their own work.

We believe in collaborative work – we believe that the upright walk with a likeminded individual loosely holding your hand will sharpen your thoughts, strengthen your practice and soothe your self doubts - ultimately emerging into something new, exciting and rewarding.

CLUBHOUSE is and ongoing collaboration project curated by Aisha Franz and Johanna Maierski (Colorama) – the guiding idea of it being to create a platform that brings different artists together and inviting them to share their work and creative processes with each other.

Adriana Marineo


I wanted to research and better understand what I thought about memory and storytelling, and I started from a short story by Lydia Davis,Happiest Moment.
At the beginning of the Clubhouse I wrote:
My assumption is: my memories (and my stories) are not “mine”. Memory not as something past, that happened to me, that I possess and remember, but as a possibility; memory as a story, as a life, as something happened to other people or just told by other people; something that could be instead of something that has been.
Following the structure of the story by Davis, I want to ask “what is your happiest memory?” and deconstruct the “your” (a memory is not something you can possess) and also fade, by slipping in a fantastic narration and vision, the margins of the individual happiness suggested in the question.

Ane Barstad Solvang


Elsa Klée


Heather Loase
